Since all products are handmade by me, I can customize with scents, colors, and glitter! Send me a note using the "Contact Us" button or email me at and I will do my best to accommodate. I am always looking to expand my scent line so please let me know your favorites!!

What Is A Freshie?

They are an air freshner made of premium aroma beads and fragrances. We mix those together and let them cure for about 2 weeks. They are then mixed with mica powder and baked. Each freshie is uniquie and handmade to order by me. Small imperfections may exist but that is part of the charm of these handmade freshners.

These are perfect for your car, locker, closet and even any small room. Freshies smell good in all seasons! They put off more scent when exposed to warmth and/or sunlight. The freshie's scent can last from 6-8 weeks, depending on the enviroment it is hung in.

How To Care for Your Candle

Candles are a great way to get your favorite scent roaming through your room. There are a few tips to get the most out of your candle. First and most important is to trim your wicks! It is recommended that you trim the candle wick to about 1/4 inch before every burn. When lighting for the first time, try and let it burn for at least 3-4 hours. This will help the candle burn evenly as it gets lower in the jar. Sometimes there are "hang-ups" of wax on the side of the jar as it burns. This is completely normal, the wax will catch up!

When a candle is burning, any air movement (window, fan, vent, etc) will affect the flame of the candle and is not recommended. Stop burning candle when 1/4" of wax remains.